Religious Education

As a Catholic school, our ethos pervades all aspects of school life. Living as God would want us to is at the centre of all that we do.
With parents as the first educators of their child, we build on the foundations set down in each Catholic home. Our Catholic values enable us to educate all the children in a safe, secure, happy environment where all adults and each child is treated with respect and valued in a spirit of Christian love.
St. Mary's PS maintains strong links with the Donaghmore Parish through our Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. McAleer, and so home, school and parish are united in passing on the Catholic faith and traditions. We follow the ‘Alive O' programme from P1 to P7 which strengthens spiritual life and develops in the children a loving, caring attitude towards each other, as well as fostering a deepening and personal relationship with God. Each day we ask God to be part of our lives through our prayers, which is an integral part of school life, alongside scheduled R.E. lessons and class prayer services.
School Assemblies for each class also play a vital role in school life, helping to form children's characters and shape their ideas as young Catholic people. We celebrate Mass as a school community at various times during the year. The Sacraments of Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation draw together school and parish and unite all participants in the moral and spiritual welfare of the children.
As a Catholic school, we are active in developing cross-community links. We welcome people from all national backgrounds and people from various faith traditions or none.
To find out more about the shared vision for Catholic Education, visit the ‘NI Commission for Catholic Education' website (
P5-7 November Assembly

St. Mary's Primary School, 16 Lisnagowan Rd, Carland,Dungannon, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland BT70 3LH Phone: 028 8776 1515 | Email: