Are you packing a healthy lunch? Resources for parents
A message from the Public Health Agency:
"As we have seen over the past few months, the need to look after our health and wellbeing has never been so important. One step towards a healthier lifestyle is healthy eating."
We promote healthy lunch boxes in our school through our ‘Healthy Lunchbox’ policy.
Please find links below for the ‘Are you Packing a Healthy Lunch?’, ‘Healthy Breaks for Schools’ and ‘Healthy Choices’ resources that provide suggestions for packing a healthy and nutritious lunch.
Are you packing a healthy lunch? (English and Irish translation)
Healthy breaks for schools (English and Irish translation)
Healthy Choices – Choose wisely: advice for parents on nutrition and activity for primary school children
St. Mary's Primary School, 16 Lisnagowan Rd, Carland,Dungannon, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland BT70 3LH Phone: 028 8776 1515 | Email: